Traffic Light Controller on ARM-M4 MCU

University of Washington, Seattle

03/2020 - 06/2020

Keywords: ARM Microcontrollers, RTOS, Embedded systems, Firmware, C-programming, Finite state machines, LCD touch screen, Peripheral drivers


  • Embedded Software Engineer
  • Firmware Engineer
  • Impacts

  • Demonstrated the ability to design a system with a finite state machine and realize it in RTOS
  • Successfully integrated multiple peripherals with drivers on microcontrollers
  • Skills

  • C programming
  • ARM-M4 MCU
  • RTOS
  • Firmware programming
  • Embedded system design
  • Descriptions

    The project utilized a TI-TM4C1294 Launchpad (ARM-M4 MCU), a LCD touch panel and RTOS to develop a traffic light controller on the LCD panel. The system of operations is simple: the traffic light alternates between green and red light normally. When the user hits the pedestrian crossing button, the green light immediately turns into a yellow light and turns to red eventually. The system is developed using custom defined tasks based on predefined states in the finite state machine.

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