Alishan Rail Quality Assessment System

Full-Ring Technology Ltd.

06/2020 - 08/2020

Keywords: Digital signal processing, WitMotion WTGAHRS2 IMU sensor, Signal filtering, Google Earth, KML, Python tkinter GUI, Matplotlib


  • DSP Engineer
  • Software Engineer
  • Impacts

  • Showed the potential of reducing the cost of railroad assessment down by 50+%
  • Skills

  • Python scripting
  • Digital signal filtering
  • GUI programming
  • Descriptions

    The existing method of assessing the quality of the railroads on Mt. Alishan is costly. However, we hypothesized that there exists some correlation between the intensity of the train wobblings and the condition of the railroad. With the IMU data collected on the trainhead, we can validate our hypothesis and visualize the data with Matplotlib. To better visualize the results, we developed an approach to translate our results into a kml file readable by Google Earth. We marked all locations that the train has passed and tagged the locations where the scores exceed a threshold as placemarks. This helped connecting the condition scores with the exact location on GPS.


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