Image Processing GUI: An experiment with DSP filters

University of Washington, Seattle

10/2019 - 12/2019

Keywords: Digital signal processing, Python tkinter GUI, Gaussian noise reduction, Canny edge detection, Bilateral blurring filter, HSV/RGB color encoding


  • DSP Engineer
  • Software Engineer
  • Impacts

  • Experimented with DSP image filtering and the combinations of them
  • Demonstrated the ability to program a tkinter GUI on Python
  • Skills

  • Python scripting
  • Image processing
  • Digital signal filtering
  • GUI programming
  • Descriptions

    I implemented a simple image enhancement on Brightness, a complex blurring with a bilateral filter, and an image processing technique with Canny edge detection on a GUI created with Python tkinter package. Users will be able to play with the effects with a slider that can adjust the magnitude of the effect. A cartoon effect will also be available to users with a slider to visualize the effect of noise reduction in the carton effect. Lastly, users can load their desired images to the program and save the result images from the program.

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