Image Retargeting Algorithm

University of Washington, Seattle

03/2020 - 07/2020

Keywords: Software programming | Dijkstra’s Algorithm | Java | Image Processing | Seam Carving | Image Retargeting


  • Software Engineer
  • Impacts

  • Solved an image processing problem with graphs.
  • Demonstrated the ability to interface with preexisting code.
  • Skills

  • Software programming
  • Algorithms
  • Data Structures
  • Java
  • Image Processing
  • Descriptions

    I implemented a seam carving technique to do image retargeting by designing a graph and running Dijkstra’s Algorithm on the graph to find the best route of pixel coordinates to cut out. The route can be determined based on image energy, which is defined to be the differences between two adjacent pixels from both the horizontal and vertical directions. By importing the desired image and select either to reduce image's width or height, the algorithm will cut down the dimension to the desired length. The algorithm was further optimized to reduce runtime exponentially.

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