Fly-the-Copter Game on FPGA Development Board

University of Washington, Seattle

06/2019 - 08/2019

Keywords: System Design | High-level block diagram | Peripheral Integration | SystemVerilog | Intel Cyclone V DE1-SoC FPGA Development Board | Intel Altera Quartus | ModelSim


  • FPGA Engineer
  • Embedded Software Engineer
  • Impacts

  • Demonstrated the ability to interface with existing low-level drivers
  • Demonstrated the ability to design a complex system with submodules
  • Skills

  • Embedded System Design
  • Finite State Machine
  • SystemVerilog
  • FPGA
  • ModelSim
  • Descriptions

    In this project, we designed a classical arcade game - Fly-the-Copter Game. We implemented our own wrapper drivers to interface with low-level drivers such as the PS2 mouse driver and the video driver. However, we still have to determine the logic that refreshes the screen to desired output and the logic that maps the mouse input to our helicopter. We first drew out a high-level block diagram and started our implementation from there. We incorporated a module that generate the green walls, a module that controls the game and determines loses, and a module to do score keeping. We also drew our own pixelated helicopter by hand and plotted out on our screen with our driver.


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