Flappy Bird Game on FPGA Development Board

University of Washington, Seattle

06/2019 - 08/2019

Keywords: System Design | Finite State Machine | Peripheral Integration | SystemVerilog | Intel Cyclone V DE1-SoC FPGA Development Board | Intel Altera Quartus | ModelSim


  • FPGA Engineer
  • Embedded Software Engineer
  • Impacts

  • Demonstrated the ability to follow a series of design steps to develop a system.
  • Skills

  • Embedded System Design
  • Finite State Machine
  • SystemVerilog
  • FPGA
  • ModelSim
  • Descriptions

    I designed a classical arcade game - flappy bird on a FPGA development board using SystemVerilog. I started by designing a high level block diagram and I broke the program down into a module per block, each responsible for a functionality. I then determined the logics for the mechanisms using Finite state machines. After all the preparation were done, codes were written and peripherals were integrated to the systems. Lastly, I validated the systems with timing constraints and checked the data syncing with system clocks on ModelSim.


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