Backgammon Game Player using Artificial Intelligence

University of Washington, Seattle

09/2020 - 06/2021

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Reinforcement Learning, Expectiminimax Search Algorithm, Alpha-beta Pruning, Backgammon Game, Python


  • Software Engineer
  • Impacts

  • Designed a reinforcement learning algorithm with custom weighting factors
  • Skills

  • Python
  • Software programming
  • Reinforcement learning
  • Algorithms
  • Data structures
  • Descriptions

    We implemented a Backgammon gameplay agent using reinforcement learning. The backbone algorithm of the agent is expectiminimax search with alpha-beta pruning to maintain its effeciency. Within the algorithm, we incorporated several factors in evaluating the state of the boards. For example, a racing strategy was implemented to check how far away the checkers are from their respective homebase. A few more strategies (bearoff, hitting, stacking, and making primes) were also used in our reinforcement decision factors.

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